Coming Up for Air...
I have missed this space. Like truly, deeply missed sharing my life in this capacity. My last post was March of 2021, and well to say “A LOT has changed since then”, would be quite the understatement. In a nutshell? In August (2021), Ryan took a new job in Ohio, we moved, bought a new house, started homeschooling, and I’ve jumped head first into making this new house our home.
It’s been a rough year, dealing with feelings of losing myself, overwhelm, anxiety and some seasonal depression as I’ve navigated these days of mom-seclusion at home, with no babysitter or family around to help lighten the burden, but that’s life isn’t it? Everyone has their crosses to bear, or has difficult points in their days, weeks, months. But through all that, Ryan and I have been working with a counselor for both our marriage and individual personal things, I’ve been digging deeper into my faith as a Catholic, and slowly but surely, I feel like I’m finally coming up for air.
SO much has changed in our home since this photo was taken. Lots of painting, wallpapering, and overall feeling like this space has turned into the creative environment we needed. I still miss my kitchen in Midland, EVERY DAY… Mostly missing those white quartz countertops, but I’m slowly convincing Ryan that we would benefit from new countertops. But its all been a journey. I tell myself daily that Instagram isn’t real life, that it is completely unrealistic to buy, renovate and have everything painted and in perfect order when you move into a new home. Having that expectation is only going to usher in feelings of frustration and discontent.
As I sit here at the counter, in my 90’s oak kitchen, with brown countertops, I can’t help but look around and smile at all the work I’ve done thus far. So much life & personality has been breathed into this home, and I can see the fruits of my labor. But the before & afters are for another day. In the meantime, we are enjoying our new normal, missing Michigan like crazy, but enjoying all that Ohio has to offer. We’ve made a couple friends, Ryan is thriving in his new position at work, we have hit our stride with homeschooling and the kids truly enjoy all this time together.
Now if I can just get better at carving out some time once a week to get back to updating this site. Even if no one reads this, I want to be able to look back at this journey together, with my favorite people in the whole wide world.
—The Van Wert Fam.