One Year ago…
On Tuesday, 10-4, we celebrated one full year since we closed on our home in Medina. I can still remember the excitement of coming to this empty house, knowing it was all ours. Ryan and I made a quick trip down to sign papers, vacuum carpets and having the carpets & ductwork cleaned. Now if I said I saw all the potential as we walked the empty rooms of this house, I would be lying. Bold faced Lie. Because to be honest… I was racking my brain, praying that fresh ideas would come to me. I knew of a couple things I for sure wanted to do… but that was it. Colors, style, etc… I was blanking.
I spent most of November-March sitting on my hands because I was afraid to mess it up. I was waiting for Ryan to help me decide on colors, and to help me get the projects done on the weekends, because that was how we did a lot of work on our old house. It was always such a big to-do… we would send our kids to grandmas just so we could accomplish our tasks, but then I realized… if I want it done. I have to do it myself. No one is going to watch my kids. No one is going to help me. It’s Me. So. I put on my big girl panties, bought some paint and got to work.
Ryan’s new job has him traveling from time to time, so on a random trip in March, I dug in. Small bite size projects that can be accomplished in a couple days. Room by room, this house was developing a new personality, and room by room, I felt the life come back to me. The creativity came rushing back to me and suddenly each room revealed its personality.
We are far from done. It‘s a marathon not a sprint… but man I am enjoying the journey! So many more projects planned for the upcoming winter months!! More photos to come soon!