My Holiday Tradition [Thirty-something Years in the Making]


It was 2014, I was trying to figure out my first Christmas as a new momma and felt this overwhelming pull to do something creative. (I swear, that’s the story of my life as an artist… always looking to do something creative). I had just bought two 6 packs of navy & white glass bulb ornaments and had some left over paint pens from a previous project. I can make an ornament for Jonathan, like my mom used to do for us.


A little background on the ornament making tradition in our family. It goes back to the late 80’s, when my mom had the same desire to make something creative for her kids, and so the yearly ornament was born. She would create a new design every year and make one for her kids and all of her nieces and nephews. (And my family is a big Irish Catholic family, so there is A LOT of us) <3 Somewhere around 2007-08 my mom decided to call it quits on the ornaments as her kids started to grow up and finish high school.

It only felt natural with my love of Christmas, to carry this tradition on, but the really fun element for me, was it was a way to spread this joy and love all over the country. If the only good thing about social media and the internet was that it helped to connect people who wouldn’t have normally met in other circumstances to somehow find people they enjoy or have things in common with, I’d say its been worth it.


It started off slow… maybe 15 orders my first year, 25 my second year… but then I started added designs and options. And the orders starting coming in… ways for people to remember their loved ones, milestones, thank clients, celebrate family parties & special moments. I am always so honored whenever an order comes through and I see what new special ornament I get to make for someone, or how I get to create something that can bring joy or peace to their heart when they hang it on their tree.


My second year, we had been feeling a hole in our hearts for the baby we had lost earlier that year, and making an ornament to remember him always fills my heart when I see it and know he is with us and watching out for his siblings from heaven. That year, I asked people to submit friends or family members who have experienced loss of a pregnancy or infant to send me their address so I could bless them with an ornament. Praying over those ornaments that they would give those families peace like I felt remembering my sweet baby.


This is my seventh Holiday season making ornaments for people, and the joy of doing this has only grown. I love getting to come up with new ideas and designs. I mean this from the bottom of my heart, so much love goes into every design, so much prayer goes into every launch hoping these new designs bring a smile to someones face. Christmas can be hard for so many, so I pray I can bring simple joy to those who need it most.

If you have ordered in the past, Thank you… If you plan to order this year… Thank you. You have helped me find an identity outside of being a mom, that allows me to help provide a modest Christmas for my family, especially these past few years as we struggle towards financial stability.


2020 has been hard for so many reasons, but let’s make a plan to make these last 60 days of the year so joyful and full of cheer!

I’d love to make something for your Christmas tree this year! I find so much joy in making every detail special! <3

a portion of orders from 2015

a portion of orders from 2015

a small portion of orders from 2019

a small portion of orders from 2019

Some of my Ornaments this year… more in the shop!

13.1 Miles of Fear & Doubt...


I don’t remember what day it was exactly, but a few days into 2020, I woke up and decided to google “1/2 Marathon’s near me”. This was the year I was going to reclaim my health, and push myself far out of my comfort zone. Like most people, the start of the new year brings out a strong need to make a huge change, and the start of a new decade? Even more pivotal. I know we all woke up in 2020 hoping that this was going to be an extraordinary year, but just not as EXTRA as it has turned out to be.

“Ryan, THIS is the year I run a 1/2 marathon!”

Let me give you a little insight into me. I hate running. Like hate HATE. With the burning passion of a thousand suns. So to wake up one morning and tell my husband that I’m going to sign up to run a 1/2 marathon, he was checking my temperature to make sure I wasn’t delirious. We had a good laugh, but then I found the Detroit Race -Women Run the D, and marked my calendar for Sept 13th. I talked about it with a couple people, but for the most part, I tried to keep it under my hat out of fear that I might not actually be able to do it.

MARCH 11, 2020-

I signed up, paid the money, and told myself when it gets warmer I will start running outside to train. Two days later, life as we all knew it had changed. Things we never imagined happening, happened. Panic over having toilet paper. Stress Baking became a thing. We were afraid to be around anyone, but I thought, this will all be back to normal by September! Right? I did a lot of endurance training on my stationary bike, and tried to really like running, but only did a total of 4 runs in June & July, in order to “train”. But I started hearing that other races were being cancelled and I was CONVINCED this race wasn’t going to happen, so I exhaled and figured I dodged a bullet.

AUGUST 16, 2020-

I received an email confirming that I didn’t want to cancel my spot, and that I would complete my 1/2 marathon virtually. Now, if my life was a tv show, I would have been drinking a beverage at the time, and then dramatically spewed that liquid all over my computer. Well shoot. The gauntlet was set. I had less than a month to train. And so in true-Jordanne fashion… I procrastinated & ignored it.


I debated going for a couple runs… “if I wake up early enough, I’ll go for a run before the kids get up.” But that never happened. I’m a pretty active person and I do actually work out every day, lots of cycling classes, weight training, etc… so it wasn’t like I was out of shape, but I knew that if I tried to do a practice run, I would absolutely psych myself out.

In all honesty, I wasn’t exactly sure that I would even attempt it. There was no one to hold me accountable, and if I didn’t do it, I was only out the money I paid to register. I even tried to laugh it off as if it was a joke, on Sunday, September 13th, when I told instagram that I had signed up for it, and had a week to accomplish it.

When I say that I’ve only ever run 2 miles max in my whole life… that is not exaggeration. Two miles. And for some reason I signed up to run 13.1. Skip the 5k, skip the 10k. 1/2 marathon or nothing.

I went for a drive on Sunday afternoon, after I finished a super hard workout. I must have still been coming down off the endorphin rush of completing a 45 Tabata ride, because I listened to “Till I Collapse” by Eminem about 5x, and a few other songs that pump me up. That was it. Enough excuses. Enough Fear. Enough Doubt. January 2020 version of Jordanne wanted to run a 1/2 marathon, so that’s what I’m going to do. It had to be either Monday or Tuesday, so we made the plans, and that was it. I woke up Tuesday morning, brought Jonathan to school. Listened to all the intense pump up music I could find, and I did it.


However you chose to look at this year, there is no judgement, because we all handle stress in different ways. For me, I knew that if I woke up on January 1, 2021 and I didn’t accomplish running a 1/2 marathon, I would be disappointed in myself.

I let fear hold me back for a lot of my life. I’m 33 years old, and have let fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, fear of how people are going to perceive me, fear of failure, I’ve let these dictate too many decisions in my life. One day I woke up and realized I needed to start living and listening to those nudges from God. If I didn’t… this life with these people (Ryan, Jonathan, Verona & Vivi) wouldn’t be. Be brave. Taking those first couple steps outside of your comfort zone are really scary, but gosh darnit, they are worth it.


The first couple miles felt easy, but as it went on, lots of prayer and some intense pump up music had to push me through. I even did a quick facetime with my sister who gave me so much love and encouragement. Sure, I was in a lot of physical pain, had a few call out to Jesus moments & I didn’t set any world record on my time, but I did it. 13.1 miles done… I had only even ran 2 miles in my whole life. I told myself I COULD NEVER run a 1/2 marathon.

What is something that you tell yourself you “COULD NEVER” do?

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(Side Note: I’d probably recommend actually training, because my hips and low back were not really prepared for that level of torture…)

I mainly did this as a personal goal for myself, but also being able to show my kids that you can do anything you set your mind to. Circumstances will set you back or stand in your way, but with faith and determination… you can move mountains. This is kinda cheesy, but I have a quote that plays over in my head in times like this.

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”
— Rocky Balboa

Peppermint Mocha Protein Coffee {gluten & dairy free}

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It’s that time of year again… Peppermint Mocha on tap, but it’s hard when you’re trying to stay Gluten and Dairy free to not spend a small fortune on a drink from Starbucks after you make all your substitutions. I’m going to share with you my secret to make them at home, and to add extra protein!

Okay, let’s start with the protein. I have found a protein powder that I love, isn’t chalky, or gritty, and is gluten and dairy free. Perfect Keto Chocolate Protein is DELICIOUS and blends amazing with anything.


(in a 24oz tumbler)

1 Scoop of Chocolate Perfect Keto Protein
6-8oz Chocolate Almond Milk
Drop of Peppermint Extract
Iced Coffee of Choice (I like Starbucks Medium Roast)

This could be done using a hand frother, or can also be made in a blender like a frappuchino.

  1. Blend the Protein, drop of peppermint extract & Almond Milk (make sure no clumps)

  2. Add ice, top with Coffee.

  3. Stir and Enjoy.

AMAZON LINKS (Just click the image)

Comfortable in my Skin...


There is a photo of me from 2018, that every time I look at it, makes me smile. It’s just me. Being a mom. I was feeling good, had lost weight, was eating healthy and felt so proud of all the hard work I had put in. Verona was just a little over a year old, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was finally getting back to my normal self again. About a month after this photo was taken, I found out I was pregnant with Vivienne…

I bring this up not because I was upset about having another baby, but to shed some light on the physical toll pregnancy and child birth can have on your body. I’m not saying it’s not worth it, but for me, knowing what the next year and half would entail made it a little scary to think about. Here I was, feeling the best I have felt in YEARS, tons of energy, starting to see definition in muscles, yet bracing myself for the inevitable hyperemesis gravidarum journey, bedrest, exhaustion, weight loss, pelvic floor dysfuncion, not to mention the belly and back pain. Okay. That’s enough complaining.


It’s been two years since that first photo was taken. In that two years, I’ve been pregnant, had a baby, breastfed said baby for a year, chased around older kids, stopped coloring my hair, but most importantly… kept a promise to myself that I would one day get back to a point where I felt as comfortable in my skin as I did in that first picture from 2018. And here we are.


Proud of the person I see in the mirror, flaws and all. Thankful for a body that carried and gave birth to three beautiful blessings. Even with the loose skin & stretch marks I’m comfortable in my skin.

Being an example to my children to teach them to love & respect the body that God gave them is something that isn’t always easy, but is so important to me.